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2 x GE Healthcare ÄKTA Purifier (10 resp. 100) with multi-wavelength UV / VIS and conductivity detector. Both systems are equiped with column screening kit, reverse flow kit and buffer prep kit as well as a fraction collector. A sample pump with air sensor and a large volume fractionation kit are also available on the ÄKTA Purifier 100.

2 x GE Healthcare Äktaprime plus for routine protein

2 x Shimadzu QP2010S (GC/MS): gas chromatograph/single quadrupole mass spectrometer (EI, mass range up to m/z = 1090).

1 x Shimadzu QC-2030N (GC/BID): gas chromatograph and dielectric-barrier discharge ionization detector (Detection of organic compounds with up to 0.1 ppm).

1 x Agilent UPHPLC System (LC/MS/MS): Binary high pressure gradient system for analytical applications with autosampler, diode array detector (190-700nm) and SCIEX triple quadropole mass spectrometer.

2x Shimadzu Prominence System (LC/MS): Binary high pressure gradient system for analytical applications with autosampler, diode array detector (190-700nm) and single quadrupole mass spectrometer (dual ion source ESI/APCI, mass range up to m/z = 2000).

1x Shimadzu Prominence System (HPLC): Binary high pressure gradient system for analytical and semi-preparative applications with autosampler, fraction collector and diode array detector (190-700nm).

Chiral and achiral columns are available for all devices.

Perkin-Elmer Lambda 35: double-beam spectrophotometer (190-1100 nm; variable slit width 0.5-4 nm) with 8-fold sample changer.

Molecular Devices: SpectraMax Plus384 microtiter plate reader for cuvettes as well as 96 and 384-well plates (190 nm-1000 nm).

Tecan infiniteM200pro: 96 and 384-well microtiter plate reader for absorption and fluorescence spectrometry incl. Injection system and associated data analysis software.

Applied Photophysics SX-20: Single mixing stopped-flow photometer with absorption (185-900 nm), fluorescence (185-850 nm) and photodiode array detector (180-750 nm). The 20 µl reaction cell allows measurements with a path length of 2 mm or 10 mm with dead times of 1.1 ms. Anaerobic measurements are possible.


4 x Infors HT Labfors 4 glass fermenters (working volume up to 5 l) with pO2, flue gas and OD analysis as well as the possibility of mass-based feeding. Fumigation with oxygen-enriched or depleted supply air is possible.

6 x Infors HT Multitron incubation shakers.

1 x Beckman Avanti JXP-26 & 1 x Beckman Avanti JXN-26
(with rotors up to 50.000 g resp. 3 L)

1 x Constant Systems „Continuous Flow Cell Disruptor”


Responsible for the content: Prof. Dr. Vlada B. Urlacher